Shelly Davis Piano Studio Musicianship Awards
The Musicianship Awards are a series of achievement markers for students to strive for in their piano studies. There are many elements necessary to become a proficient musician at the piano. These elements are not limited to the method books but also include music theory, ear training, technique, harmonization, music history, memorization and standard classical literature.
Each Musicianship level builds on the previous level allowing for a continuous spiral effect of learning. Once a Musicianship Skill Level is completed, the student is fully prepared and eligible to participate in the annual UT Tyler Piano Skills Festival. The UT Tyler Piano Skills Festival is a two-part festival in which pre-college students can earn ribbons, medals and trophies for participation and excellence in the areas of functional piano skills and piano performance.
Most of the Musicianship levels will require a minimum of two years to complete. Students who have completed a level will receive their Musicianship Award at the annual Spring Recital.
PreMO Award of Beginnings
In honor of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who was a child prodigy known for his childlike joy of music.
The Pre-MO Award is awarded to beginning students who have completed Piano Adventure method books Primer OR My First Piano Adventure books A, B, and C as well as musicianship skills detailed on the PreMO Award Skill Sheet.
Click here or on the photo to the left for more details about the PreMo Award.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Medal of Achievement
In honor of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart who was a child prodigy known for his childlike joy of music.
The Mozart Medal is awarded to Elementary students who have completed Piano Adventure method books Primer and Level 1 and Level 1 and 2 of TMTA Theory exams as well as musicianship skills detailed on the Mozart Medal Skill Sheet.
Click here or on the photo to the right for more details about the Mozart Medal.
Franz Joseph Haydn Award of Excellence
In honor of Franz Joseph Haydn who enjoyed great success during his lifetime; yet considered himself a humble servant of God sharing His gift of music cheerfully.
The Haydn Award is awarded to Late Elementary students who have completed Piano Adventure method books Level 2A and 2B and Level 3 and 4 of TMTA Theory exams as well as musicianship skills detailed on the Haydn Award Skill Sheet.
Click here or on the photo to the left for more details about the Haydn Award.
Ludwig van Beethoven Award of Perseverance
In honor of Ludwig van Beethoven who persevered through hardships and adversity of many kinds.
The Beethoven Award is awarded to Early Intermediate students who have completed Piano Adventure method books Level 3A and 3B and Level 5 and 6 of TMTA Theory exams as well as musicianship skills detailed on the Beethoven Award Skill Sheet.
Click here or on the photo to the right for more details about the Beethoven Award.
George Frederick Handel Award of Determination
In honor of George Frederick Handel who used his talent to the glory of God and for the good of others.
The Handel Award is awarded to Late Intermediate students who have completed Piano Adventure method books Level 4 and 5 and Level 7 and 8 of TMTA Theory exams as well as musicianship skills detailed on the Handel Award Skill Sheet.
Click here or on the photo to the left for more details about the Handel Award.
Johann Sebastian Bach Award of Triumph
In honor of Johann Sebastian Bach who recognized the presence of God in his life and in his music and gave Him glory for his successes.
He signed each of his pieces S.D.G., Solo Deo Gloria (To God alone, the glory).
The Bach Award is awarded to Late Intermediate/Advanced students who are studying literature at a difficulty level of 6 and beyond and have completed Level 9 and 10 of TMTA Theory exams as well as musicianship skills detailed on the Bach Award Skill Sheet.
Click here or on the photo to the right for more details about the Bach Award.
Photo Credit: Each of the photos above was scanned from my collection of The Classic Composers CDs by International Masters Publishers AB. It is a wonderful collection of CDs that has enhanced my students’ appreciation for “dead guy” music.