Tis the season for gratitude and I am very thankful for you! Thank you for the honor of sharing music with you and learning with you.
Here are some helpful links for you for November. Click the title below to learn more about that topic.

November Skills
This month we are focusing on playing scales and any other technical skill you've acquired so far. We are doing a practice challenge called PIANOVEMBER. In this challenge, you tally one point for every song you play, every time you play it. This will come in handy when you visit your family during the Thanksgiving break. If you are interested in participating in the UT Tyler Piano Skills Festival, now is the time to sign up and start getting prepared.

November Playlist
This is the time of year to focus on all the blessings we have in our lives. The songs on our list focus on intangible blessings like friends, family, and faith. I am thankful for you! Remember, each time you listen to the playlist you add $5.00 MBucks and you earn $100 MBucks for each song you learn to play. If you click the picture, you will be taken to our Spotify playlist for November